Located in the heart of Saugerties Village at 40 S Partition Street, our first laundry location is steps away from Saugerties Beach and across the street from Krause's Chocolate.
40 S Parition Street
Saugerties, NY 12477
We are open 24 hours, 7 days a week
Drop-off hours 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, 7 days a week
Located in the heart of Saugerties village, steps from Saugerties beach and Krause's Chocolate, our first location offers:
With our many high-speed large capacity washers and dryers, we make laundry time fly by fast!
60 lb Monsterload Washer
(6 loads)
50 lb Megaload Washer
(5 loads)
30 lb Tripleload Washer
(3 loads)
50 lb Doubleload Washer
(2 loads)
Superload Dryers
(3 loads)